Beyond Booksmart
Executive Function Strategies for Success
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Short-Term Academic Coaching for Test Prep, College Essays, Research Projects & Term Papers

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Short-term academic coaching is sometimes a preferred option for motivated students who have identified a specific goal that they are looking to accomplish in a relatively short time period (typically 6 to10 weeks). Short-term coaching is available when there is a single, immediate issue that needs exclusive focus.  In this case, we do not conduct an intake but simply begin with the particular challenge that the student and parents agree is the focus. Examples include test prep (such as preparing for finals), writing a junior year research project, completing college essays, or thoroughly revamping the organization of backpacks and binders (perhaps even a messy room). We have found short-term academic coaching to be effective at helping students to achieve success with any of these challenges.

Also, for those new to the process of academic coaching, the short-term approach provides an opportunity for students to achieve measurable, focused results before deciding to continue with the more transformative academic coaching approach that will require more time.  Short-term academic coaching generally ranges from 6-10 sessions.

Do you need test prep strategies to help prepare for mid terms or finals? Click below for a free consultation to find out how short-term academic coaching can help your child achieve his or her potential.

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