Executive Function Coaching in the Summer

Summer coaching and enrichment programs are the perfect opportunity for students to build habits and learn Executive function skills that will prepare them for the next school year.

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Why Executive Function coaching in the summer is so important

Summer break is a great time for students to relax and recharge, but it can also be a time for academic regression. Nearly all students deal with the dreaded “summer slide,” but neurodivergent children diagnosed with ADHD are oftentimes more affected than others.

Our Executive Function summer coaching program is designed to help students overcome the summer slide. We give students of all ages the tools, resources, and support they need to develop life-long learning skills that will prepare them for the next school year.

With individualized Executive Function Coaching, your student will develop and improve their academic skills over summer break.

See our plans & pricing

For middle school, high school, and college students, summer provides an opportunity to get a head start in a number of important areas. Some of the priorities we’ve seen our clients work on over the summer include:

  • Focus coaching on one specific Executive Function skill and to develop that skill without the pressure of a full academic workload and after school activities
  • Work on summer reading, develop reading comprehension skills, and learn how to write an outstanding essay
  • Help children who have been diagnosed with ADHD learn Executive Function skills that can improve their academic performance
  • Secure an Executive Function coach in advance for the upcoming school year and to develop (or maintain) a great working relationship with their coach
  • Create a game plan, establish new habits, and learn new tools & strategies in order to be successful in the coming school year
  • Ensure that your student is prepared and confident to prioritize and handle any and all homework, projects, and tests when fall arrives and the workload seems overwhelming
  • Help your student establish summer goals or a parent/child summer contract, and learn about goal directed persistence in order to achieve those goals
  • Help your student research an internship, job, colleges, or start writing college essays
  • Establish an organizational system to be used throughout the year. Your student can organize their room, backpack, binders, and be totally prepared for school before it starts
  • Help research and plan your student's community service project or any personal project
  • Help college students choose classes and establish goals and a schedule for the fall semester

Don't start the new school year with old problems


Which Executive Function skill is your student's biggest blindspot?

Take our short assessment and receive free resources to help support your student's #1 Executive Function challenge area. 

Student EF Assessment Graphic (2)

How our coaches approach summer coaching success


Shorter sessions

Use shorter sessions with check-ins later in the week or multiple sessions per week.


Non-academic focus

Create "projects" based on clients' interests, such as baking, cooking, crafts, book studies, or goal-setting.


Preparing for new school year

Work with college clients on packing and unpacking, scheduling, finding, and maintaining summer work.


Keep it interesting

Engage in activities like reading stories, playing games, and discussing topics relevant to clients' interests.


Reflect on school year

Reflect on the previous school year, highlighting significant moments to prepare for a successful transition into a new school year.


Keep the student engaged

Engage clients in meaningful projects, either by co-creating or supporting existing projects that utilize their skills and interests.

Our summer programs are designed for students of all ages


Our unique online summer enrichment and coaching programs enable students at all grade levels to become better learners that are more prepared for the next school year.

Elementary school students

Elementary school is a critical time for the development of foundational Executive Function skills. Parents often begin to see signs of Executive Function challenges in their child in elementary school, when the child faces new expectations for self-management.

Middle & high school students

In middle school, students must learn to adapt to the expectations of several different teachers who may schedule tests and due dates for projects on the same day. By 12th grade, Executive Function skills are needed for a smooth transition to college, where heightened school demands compete with new freedoms and extracurriculars.

College students

College is an opportunity for personal and professional growth. However, those with poor Executive Function skills may find it challenging to manage it all alone. Beyond BookSmart provides individuals with the necessary tools and techniques to build their self-confidence, independence, beliefs around being successful in college.

The benefits of Executive Function coaching in the summer

Summer is an excellent time for Executive Function coaching. Unlike the school year when sessions typically revolve around helping students with their academic demands, summer provides a more low-stress environment for students to work on their EF skills, including:

  • Organization
  • Prioritization
  • Time management
  • Maintaining focus
  • Task initiation
  • Efficient studying


Whether it’s preparing for the new school year, making a plan to complete summer reading or learning packets, or working on a passion project, summer coaching has proven to have countless unique benefits for the thousands of students we've worked with.

Male teenager sitting outside

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